Monday, December 28, 2009

A Moo Cow Around and Around

In order to celebrate the lack of sleep that comes with the 8th month of pregnancy, here is a little snippet of some nonsense Weston was talking about a couple of weeks ago. I've been up since 3 a.m., so why not blog a little before the sun rises, right?

Keep in mind, that I caught him on the tail end of this little rant about a "moo cow going around and around", so he was starting to lose the gusto with which he began. It was hilarious.

(Sorry it is sideways-I didn't know you couldn't video the other way!)

Christmas pics to come...minus the ones of me hugging the toilet Christmas Eve (due to a stomach virus, NOT excessive yuletide partying)


  1. Oh friend, I wish you could sleep. I love this repetitive chant phase that the nug is in.

  2. Adorable little Westie!! I hope you slept better last night!! Love your blog.... thinking about it for myself.....

  3. cute video friend! hope you can get some more rest before baby girl comes. love ya!
