Dear Baby Girl,
You have been in utero for over 32 weeks and we just now took a picture of my belly. There is also no pregnancy journal to read about various baby girl things. You do not have a room yet (but your daddy is working VERY hard on that). Please don't be upset, it's just I've been a little busy chasing your brother around. I couldn't even get him out of the picture, you see?
Please know our love for you far exceeds the lack of documentation of your time in the womb. Be assured that you will have a baby book...I'm just not sure when it will be completed (perhaps by high school graduation?) Even though you've given me some "masking" on my cheeks and upper lip that make me look like Charlie Chaplin, I still adore you. You are a busy little bee inside there and I'm thinking you may be like your mama and struggle with resting. Please feel free to settle down at the 3 a.m. hour...I kind of like to be sleeping that time of day.
We fully trust that the Lord is knitting you together perfectly in His will and we can't wait to meet the little treasure He has created. You are so special little one! My first baby girl! We can't wait to meet you...but not too early, okay?
Awe so sweet. It really has gone fast huh?