On our way to Weston's first day of swim class I thought, "This is either going to be awesome or a disaster and the likelihood of an in between is slim." Hip, hip, hooray that it was awesome!
Weston loves it. There are only 3 kids in his class so they get a lot of swim time. In fact, the first day he got a private lesson the first 25 minutes because kiddo 2 wouldn't get in the pool and kiddo 3 was really late. When we came back for the second day, he was skipping on the way into the Y from the parking lot telling me how he was going to wear his "googles" and go under water.
I sit on the bench and watch, giving thumbs up and smiles as needed...only the start of many big kid things he's going to be up to this next year. Like wearing underwear, right? Please?
yeah weston!!!!