Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Sweet List

I like to make lists. Kurt sometimes teases me, but I think he understands that it helps me to think clearly. Or remember anything. I had my list for today out on the counter this morning and next to my list to pick up milk and diapers, he added a few items while I was getting dressed...

This was a sweet reminder of a couple of trueisms: One, my husband his great. It's these type of little things he inserts into my daily life that help me to not take everything so seriously. And secondly, God is in control of my day, not my list. May I not be so self-absorbed that I don't recognize the Lord's leading, the needs of others or that I need to trash the list altogether. Because when I don't recognize these things, God tends to trash the list anyway :)

1 comment:

  1. all that insight AND you still managed to remember the milk and diapers too!
