We have been overwhelmed by the support and help of our friends and family throughout the whole process of deciding, finding a renter, moving...so many people have encouraged , prayed for us and helped us. We feel so blessed.
I wish I had a ton of pictures of moving day and everyone that helped, but I couldn't even find my camera for a few days and things have been pretty hectic. Kurt is working like mad at our house in preparation for the renters and I'm trying (not super successfully) to balance old house, unpacking here and creating some sort of normalcy for the kids' transition. My parents have been awesome and patient and so helpful with all of the upheaval of combining two households and we know things won't be this crazy for too long, right?!
I did manage to catch this cute girl playing in the backyard yesterday...
One day at a time, one foot in front of the other...
This heart needs a heap load more of gratitude this week...
#28 Grace
#29 The refreshment of running with great friends who remind me of #28
#30 Cicadas
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