While both children happened to sleep at the same time, I took the opportunity to sweep and mop the kitchen and hardwood floors that usually get crusted over every 2-3 days. They woke up just as I was finishing, so we had a snack right away so they would be up off the wet floor. They snacked in the kitchen and I finished up the living room and dining room. I came in to get Lily down from her high chair and within the same second Weston had knocked over a full glass of milk all over himself, stool and clean kitchen floor. We don't make a big deal about accidents around here, so Weston just got down and helped me clean it up and I held my tongue of uttering a word about how freshly clean the kitchen floor was. Meanwhile, Lily wants in on the action and decides to splash through the milk puddles and run all through the house with milky feet. The floors weren't even dry yet. I laughed. And it was of God because sweeping and mopping are not my favorite chores. This is what I do right now...clean messes as messes are happening. All acts of cleanliness WILL be undone within five minutes. I think I'm starting to get over it.
"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him" (Colossians 3:17) Nothing mentioned here about the end result of the deed, just why I'm doing it.
#9 Spilled milk
#10 Little boy chatting and playing "alligator" with pair of kitchen tongs while I cook dinner
#11 Baby legs (real ones, not the leg warmers)
#12 A face of delight every time he fits a puzzle piece in
#13 A dear friend I never tire of hanging out with
#14 Little face waiting for me at the screen door
#15 Number of calories burned chasing Lily
#16 The Lord gracing over my mothering mistakes
And just for good measure...
"Cleaning and scrubbing can wait 'till tomorrow, for babies grow up we've learned, to our sorrow. So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep. I'm rocking my babies and babies don't keep."