Thursday, June 10, 2010

Liar, Liar Pants on Fire

As previously told, Lily had quite the little virus two weeks ago that ended in an ear infection. Four days in to the antibiotics she was still refusing to sleep in her crib, waking up every 45 minutes and generally just wanting to be held.

I waited through the weekend and called our pediatrician first thing on Monday morning. I was SURE that she was resistant to the antibiotic and that the infection was not clearing up...what else could be going on?

The verdict? Her ears looked perfect. As did everything else. "Nothing should be bothering her at this point." says Dr. Schmandt.

After keeping me up at all hours of the night and wearing you on me like white on rice, all I have to say to you Lily is "Liar, liar pants on fire!"

"Who me?"

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